Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Greg Money Macks Gif Reflection

1) My concept is that of tranquility. As the eyes and mouth become less demonic they become more and more peaceful. I arrived to this theme by looking through old pictures of mine and seeing that I usually have a stern face. I know that I am actually quite the tranquil individual and I choose to show this through my gif.
3) Photoshop helped my idea progress because their are plenty of tools that allow the idea to be progressed extensively. The layers allow for very complex concepts to develop. Also time itself allowed my idea to blossom into what it is today. Sometimes, only time will allow an idea to become fully developed.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lazer Catz

1) My concept is lazer cats. I really enjoy cats and space and this was a perfect mixture of the two. Lasers are heavily associated with space due to various sci-fy movies.

3) I am very happy with my results.


5) I first used the select tools to isolate the desired images of my cats. Then I used the image adjuster to change the size of my cats. I tried to use the layer mask but it did not really pan out the way I thought. I also selected some lasers to add to the eyes of my cats.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

1) My process began when I was assigned the letter L. At fitrst I misunderstood the aim. I thought we were supposed to just represent the letter however we felt, when in reality we needed to use the letter to convey a concept. I came to the idea of humans reliance on technology. The word "Lean" popped into my mind which I then decided to flush out as an idea. I was a little lost at first but you helped me join together the ideas of technology and space. This brought me to my final concept, of the L shaped rocket ship in the purple abyss of space.

2) I Chose the rocket ship to represent the technology that humans have came to depend on. I also chose to make the spaceship color gray, to represent the seemingly dull urban enviornments that technology has created.

3) To be fair, this entire project challenged me. But speciafially getting the L to bend at the right angle and look proprtional was my greatest challenge.
4) I am very satisfied with this project because it may be the greatest work I have personally drawn. I really like the comet I drew in the top left and that would probably be what I am the most proud of.
5) If I could change one aspect of the design I would have added some planets, or other objects to show depth. Space is infinite so it shouldn't really look like the flat surface which it looks like above.

My Flexed Drawing

Monday, October 5, 2015

A large portion of my time this summer was spent in deli's such as this one. I needed to stay hydrated with lots of Arizona Ice Tea.
This is a picture with my bro-god Ryan. We took many cool pictures on the various roof's of Manhattan, each memorializing a different day of fun.

This is me catching the typical flex. I took many flexed pictures this summer and this one is one of the best.

I am half black and this mask seemed to belong to African culture. Since I'm half black I felt obligated to put it on.

This is my cat Willy who flexes harder than me. He is mad chill.