Thursday, October 15, 2015

1) My process began when I was assigned the letter L. At fitrst I misunderstood the aim. I thought we were supposed to just represent the letter however we felt, when in reality we needed to use the letter to convey a concept. I came to the idea of humans reliance on technology. The word "Lean" popped into my mind which I then decided to flush out as an idea. I was a little lost at first but you helped me join together the ideas of technology and space. This brought me to my final concept, of the L shaped rocket ship in the purple abyss of space.

2) I Chose the rocket ship to represent the technology that humans have came to depend on. I also chose to make the spaceship color gray, to represent the seemingly dull urban enviornments that technology has created.

3) To be fair, this entire project challenged me. But speciafially getting the L to bend at the right angle and look proprtional was my greatest challenge.
4) I am very satisfied with this project because it may be the greatest work I have personally drawn. I really like the comet I drew in the top left and that would probably be what I am the most proud of.
5) If I could change one aspect of the design I would have added some planets, or other objects to show depth. Space is infinite so it shouldn't really look like the flat surface which it looks like above.

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