Monday, March 21, 2016

Greg Mack Poster Project and Reflection

1) I strongly agree with my view point. The wealth disparity in America is probably the biggest threat to our future. The fonts are supposed to represent the different words they are. All the colors are supposed to represent different classes of society. Each one becomes more and more grand as they progress.
2) The transition form my sketches to my poster was a complete failure. My final project is totally different from what I intended. However this is not a bad thing. My final project is much better and much more symbolic than my original ideas.
3) The background color and color of my pillars changed from my first to final project. So did the text. All of these changed to further show the ideas of wealth disparity.
4) I think my strongest category is my design. All the choices I made in this project were very thought out and calculated.
5) The most challenging process was the design also. It took thinking and a lot of your counceling to come up with meaningful symbols.
5) The skills and techniques was the hardest part for me. This is because I am really wack with these programs.